My two halfs – meine zwei Hälften

Zisch-Artikel auf Englisch.  


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  | Foto: Ferdinando Terelle
Foto: Ferdinando Terelle
Der folgende Artikel ist auf Englisch geschrieben, da Philipp Eberhard erst am 24. Dezember 2013 begonnen hat, Deutsch zu lernen. Philipp kommt aus Bogota in Kolumbien und spricht Spanisch und Englisch. Jetzt besucht er die Lorettoschule in Freiburg:

On 23 november I came to Germany, without knowing the language first. I had an apartment in Freiburg when I arrived. I still would speak English.

The 29 of november I went to a school that was called Loretto Grundschule. The first day I didn’t speak with anybody, I was all the day quiet. The second day I found a friend, that was called Oliver. He spoke a little bit english, he would sometimes help me, when I would not understand. After some days I started making some friends. I started playing with them. The 24 december I started speaking german in the family. I still made some mistakes. After some days I started playing football with some of my friends. I was a very good goalkeeper, so they always wanted me in their team.

Then I started to read and write in german and now I can speak good german. In the beginning of february I started to make a course of skiing. The first day I was in a Kinderlift, the second day I went to a medium lift. For me it was a little bit too easy so then I went to the biggest lift and there I had more fun. Then I finished the course and started going alone. I made a friend that was called Daniel, he had a snowboard, we went up and down together. The next day I am writing this article and I hope I can live many other adventures.
Schlagworte: called Daniel, Philipp Eberhard
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